Here at Motoring Mobility, we do not just manufacture, modify, and provide wheelchair accessible vehicles to our clients. We also ensure that our clients get the best experience with their wheelchair accessible vehicles. We have a wide range of repair and maintenance services available at Motoring Mobility. All are conducted to provide comfort and safety to all of our clients.
Maintenance Provided by Motoring Mobility
Motoring Mobility employs qualified and experienced mechanics who are able to perform basic to complex maintenance services to our clients’ wheelchair accessible vehicles. Our services include:
Basic Services
- 12 month service on wheelchair hoist fitted to motor vehicles
- This includes changing oil, checking seals on hydraulic rams and roll stops
- This can be done for individuals and community transport fleets

For Your Maintenance Needs, Contact Motoring Mobility!
As an owner of a wheelchair accessible vehicle, it is necessary to note that your vehicle should not be repaired by just any other normal car service company. As soon as you encounter problems with your vehicle, you should approach a company with years of specialisation when it comes to servicing wheelchair accessible vehicles.
Motoring Mobility guarantees your safety and comfort while riding your wheelchair accessible vehicle at a fair price. Contact the Motoring Mobility team for more details.